Who shouldn't sign up for The Game Changing Year?

Great question!

Although we'd love to have a magical one-size-fits-all program for every single person, we knew we'd need to focus if we wanted you to get something good out of it in only 9 months.

This program probably won't be your bag if:

  • You're looking for a deep-dive into the big existential questions of leadership (eg: determining your life purpose, defining your values, etc).
  • You want to learn the nuts-and-bolts management techniques that'll help you lead a team (eg: delegating, giving feedback, performance coaching, etc)

This program also probably isn't for you if you're looking for a chill, self-paced program where you learn a ton of interesting ideas but never quite make the leap into applying any of it. This program isn't called The Year of Collecting Info and Considering Maybe Changing The Game At Some Future Time, right? You've got to be keen on getting out of your comfort zone and doing things differently.

But, if you’re ready to build some fantastic relationships with other amazing women while doing some big work -- and
if you’re a hell yes! to fine-tuning your engine and revving up your career this year -- then this is just the program for you.