Hey, that totally could happen. Sometimes things go sideways, even if we show up doing everything right.
For most of us, the results we want to create are at least a little dependent on other people, and those people aren't always interested in getting on board. It takes two to tango, as they say, and even champion ballroom dancers get their feet stepped on when they're spinning around the floor with someone who has two left feet.
So, we aim to make sure you're doing everything under your control to maximize your chances of success. We'll make sure you can tango backwards, in heels, and with that snooty eyes-half-closed look on your face with the greatest of ease. That way, even if you're paired with clumsy partners that keep dropping you on your face during those cinematic dips and spins, you'll know that it's not you, it's them.
We've had plenty of clients whose employers made for pretty terrible dance partners. If that ends up being you, this program will support you to recognize your killer tango skills and dance on over to a new partner who can handle you and your jaw-dropping choreography.