One of the best things about this program is the friends you'll make along the way. We want everyone who joins The Game Changing Year to finish the year with a cheerleading squad, personal board of directors, some new best friends, and a bunch of women you can count on to (lovingly!) throw you off the next career-related cliff you're convinced you might not have the skills to tackle.
To help make sure that happens, we give you lots of opportunities to forge the strong bonds you need for lifelong relationships.
First of all, you'll spend 42 hours over the course of the program learning and getting coached alongside everyone in your cohort. You'll work with each other on exercises every single session so you learn to challenge and help each other.
Secondly, you'll have a new Accountability Buddy every single month you're in the program -- one of your fellow Game Changers who will help you do your homework, strategize your next move, and have that scary conversation with your boss. During the month, you'll meet your accountability one, twice, three times -- really however often you two decide will help you move forward and meet your goals -- and support each other as you learn. Your accountability buddy will be your supporter and confidante -- so get ready for some deep conversations.
Our Game Changers consistently say that the community is their favourite part of the program. They got to learn and grow alongside each other -- and ride the rollercoaster of emotions alongside their peers as they advocated for themselves and their ideas at work, landed new jobs, and negotiated hard for what they needed. We know you'll feel the same as part of the Game Changing Year community.