We want a group of people who are all in on making their careers soar and all in on The Game Changing Year.
As coaches, our job is to serve you -- and in this case, serving you is helping you actually meet your goals.
Think about it this way: If your main goal this year is to learn some killer business skills that'll improve your career, we want to make sure that actually happens! We don't want there to be an easy out for you in the middle of summer when the beach and sunshine are seducing you away with all their SPF-soaked glory.
Our No Refunds policy is exactly the $210 per month guard rail you need to keep yourself committed to the long term, even if the short term payoff of a pina colada is almost good enough to lure you away.
Having said that, we're not monsters and we get that sometimes unexpected stuff comes up. If you suddenly lose your job and can't pay rent, or if you have a physical or mental health crisis, we're happy to talk refund if that's what would serve you better.