Yep. We get it.
You can buy a whole lot of Aritzia's latest collection with $2380. Or a whole lot of groceries and rent.
This is not an insignificant amount of money. If you're going to invest this kind of cash, it had better net you some returns.
The good news is, investing in leveling-up your career skills is the kind of expenditure that legitimately can lead to more money in your pocket down the line. Let me tell you a story to illustrate what I mean:
I (Holly) remember the time several years ago that I finally decided to hire a negotiation coach to help me get a higher salary on a job offer. It cost me $500, and it was the most money I had spent on my career outside of my university degree. I was so stressed out that I couldn't stop the chorus of doubt in my mind: Would it be worth it? What if I didn't learn anything and just regretted spending this lavishly on something useless for the rest of my life? I let the doubts echo around in my mind, and tried to learn as much as possible.
Over 10 days, I learned as much as I possibly could about negotiation and then tried it out on the company that was trying to hire me. They gave me an insultingly low initial offer -- literally 60k below my previous salary. I used every trick I learned and got the salary up by 10k. Not bad.
Now, 10k's a lot of money (especially compared to the $500 I shelled out to learn how to make it happen!). But it isn't much in the face of a 60k shortfall. After all that effort -- and my $500! -- I didn't take the job.
Ouch, right?
WRONG-O, friends! While not taking the job stung in the moment, I got to keep using those skills again and again and again throughout my career. Today I use those exact same skills to help my clients get raises.
In the last three years, I've helped my clients get a literal quarter of a million dollars more pay.
Not a bad return on $500, if I do say so myself. And just imagine what those numbers will look like over the next 20 years.
Want the icing on the cake? Everything I teach my clients -- all the techniques that helped them get $270k -- is what we teach in this program.
Good negotiating isn't just about writing numbers on a piece of paper and passing it back and forth across a table while exchanging icy lawyer-like glares. It's about positioning your skills, projects, and ideas as generating enough money for the company that the extra money they pay you is worth it.
This program will help you position your skills as valuable, but it'll also help you talk people into you doing more high-value work in the first place. Learning these skills are like compound interest, but for your career.
So that's why it's so damn expensive. Because learning these skills will literally make you (and your company) tens upon tens of thousands of dollars.