We know what you're thinking: Someone could incubate an entire fetus in the time this program takes. Is what we're learning as detailed as building a whole new human being?
Um, basically.
The truth is, we're covering a lot of material in this program.
You're going to learn business fundamentals that help you assess and create strategic value.
You're going to learn how to listen -- really listen -- to understand exactly what ideas, project, and programs will resonate with the people who give you the green light.
You're going to learn how to pitch your ideas in a way that gets everyone to sit up and listen (and then give you the enthusiastic yes you've been looking for).
You're going to learn to truly trust the unique value you provide as an employee, and talk about it so people care.
Add in a bit of tactical negotiation, plus a few mixed metaphors about aliens and Ferraris, and you've got yourself 9 months of intensive learning.
We made this a long program because we really wanted it to live up to the hype. We want to give you everything you need so that the game of work is forever changed for you. And that, it turns out, takes 9 months.
(And please, don't even ask us why it's not called The Game Changing 9 Months...)