Great question!
As coaches we take confidentiality seriously, so we want to be clear about it right from the get-go. Here's how it works:
We (your coaches), plus the other participants in the program have an anonymized sharing confidentiality agreement. That means:
- We treat your name, boss' name, company name, moles, tattoos, and birthmarks -- basically anything personally identifiable -- as a strict secret. None of those things will ever leave the 'walls' of the virtual rooms we meet in or be disclosed outside of the group.
- We can take stories, lessons, challenges, advice, and techniques we learn from you and share them outside the group -- but only if they're fully anonymized and don't contain enough information to trace it back to you specifically.
- We don't use anonymized sharing as a blank cheque to gossip or share every little thing about you. We get that the news you shared about your impending divorce, recent mental health diagnosis, or the fourteen expletives you used when describing your boss' insensitive behaviour deserve a tighter circle of trust and discretion from everyone in the group, so we keep our lips sealed unless we have your consent for the big stuff.
- If we're ever in doubt whether anonymized sharing might be the wrong move, we don't share.